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Travel or a Best Food Blogger in the World Diksha Satyawali  on Life, dreams and Entrepreneurship

Life of Hills (Uttarakhand) is based popular Travel and Food Blogger, Diksha Satyawali of the crazy Indian-foodie has been creating quite a buzz lately with her culinary journeys around the World.

This 25 year old lawyer turned travel influencer boasts of a huge fan following on the social media and also the pens down interesting articles on her blog. The crazy-Indian-foodie. Her Interesting and beautifully curated Instagram feed has us all dreaming of our next vacation and our tummy's rumbling. 

From capturing street food from the Doon/Ramnagar and around the World to staying at the luxury hotels, travel videos that give us all the major wanderlust to interesting the recipes. Diksha has a bit of it on all over the gorgeous feed.

When asked what made her quit a stable legal job to full time blogging she says. It was a tough decision but I decided to follow my passion and give it my all.

Balancing law and blogging was almost impossible and I couldn't give either the attention they deserve. So I took a leap into the wild, worked very hard to create stellar content everyday, faced challenges on the way but it did pay off. I Believe if you truly are passionate towards something, you can do if it you have give it your all'.

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