Tofu or soya paneer is prepared from soybean curds. Tofu is a low-calorie and gluten-free food. It has no cholesterol at all. It makes a brilliant source of calcium and iron. This is not all! Soya paneer makes a key source for protein for both vegetarians and vegans.
Soya paneer includes isoflavones like phytoestrogens, which contains both estrogen-agonist and antagonist properties and these may offer protection against heart diseases, osteoporosis, and cancer symptoms. But people should consume tofu in limited amount as a higher amount can cause some risks.
If you do not get it at your nearby market stores, soya paneer supplier companies in Rajasthan also make it available through their online stores.
Manufacturing of tofu-:
The basic method of making soya paneer includes coagulating soya paneer for preparing curds from it. Then the manufacturer companies utilize machines to press the curd and bring it in a compacted form which look like gelatinous white chunks, called as soya paneer or tofu.
Fast facts on soya paneer: Some key points about tofu –
• Most of vegans and vegetarians find it as the key source of protein
• It can lower bad LDL cholesterol
• It can offer relief from a few menopause symptoms
• It is a high calorie food

Nutrition facts of soya paneer-:
One hard block of soya paneer includes –
• High calories
• Carbohydrate
• Fat
• Protein
• Calcium
• Iron
• Phosphorus
• Potassium
• Zinc
• Folate
• And, small amounts of niacin, thiamine, vitamin B6, riboflavin, manganese, selenium, and choline.
As soy is the primary element of soya paneer, it is an ample source for dietary protein. It means, tofu is able to provide all sorts of essential amino acids required in a healthy diet. Apart from this, soybeans are rich in polyunsaturated fats such as omega 3 alpha-linolenic acid.
Due to the presence of magnesium and calcium in it, consumption of soya paneer helps in strengthening of bones, lowering PMS symptoms, regulating blood sugar, and preventing migraine.
Health benefits of tofu or soya paneer-:
Dieticians say that the inclusion of plant based foods in the diet contributes in well-being and overall health and it also reduce obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Also, research results suggest that higher levels of isoflavones can lower the risks of various lifestyle and age related diseases.
A few major benefits offered by tofu are –
• Lowers cardiovascular disease:
Isoflavines present in soy is proved to help in lowering bad LDL cholesterol. Various studies have reported that a regular consumption of tofu may also lower the risks for cardiovascular diseases.
• Inhibits the growth of prostate and breast cancer cells:
Genistein, a chief isoflavone present in soya paneer has antioxidant properties and thus it is able to prevent the growth of cancer cells, especially for breast and prostate cancer cells.
Benefits type 2 diabetics-:
Type 2 diabetic patients have weak kidneys and thus their body is prone to excrete huge amounts protein through urine. If they consume tofu on regular basis, they may get improved physical conditions.
• Advances kidney function:
Soya protein enhances renal function.
There are many more crucial advantages are offered by tofu. And, due to its supreme health benefits soya paneer exporter companies in Rajasthan do a great business all through the year.
soya paneer